I only made one Christmas present this year. Isn't that sad? I feel like there have been years when I've made tons of them. Oh well. Life. My sister was the recipient of this one. I heard my mom say that she needed a new lunch bag a while back, so I thought....I could do that. I found an awesome idea for a 'bento' style lunch bag online and decided to use some seriously kick-ass fabric I had bought a long time ago (with the idea of making something for my sister) for it. I love how it turned out and I LOVE the fabric. I have some left over....I may make myself something :)
The long strap passes through two d-rings on opposite sides of the bag to make it fold in all cute and everything. Big enough to fit some tupperware (or a bento box) and a coke or apple or whatever. It is a pretty good size!
Construction wise, it is pretty simple. A little bit of math, make a square for the bottom, and a long rectangle for the sides that fits the bottom square (remember seam allowance!) and however tall you want it. That, the same for the lining, and the straps are pretty much it! I got some iron on laminating stuff to make the inside more water-proof, added a pocket, put blue seam binding inside all the seams for a pop of colour (the fabric has the smallest hint of blue in it...the crocidile is wearing blue glasses), and sewed it up!
Now that I know how to do it it sounds simple, but, as usual, you learn along the way! Sorry for the awful pictures, I forgot to take some and had to pull it out of my sister's luggage before she left.