Some of the first projects I finished when I got back from France, just some easy aprons, one of them had been half-finished for years. Thought it would be a good idea to go through my stash of fabric and unfinished projects before buying more stuff. And I get all domestic around the holidays and have the strange desire to just make a ton of aprons. It's a problem.
Don't really like this one. Probably would be better with a more matching tie, but hey, I ran out of fabric all those years ago when I made it. And I'm never making this style again. All that edging *shudders* Never again.
I love this second one though. Things are so much easier when you don't use patterns, for aprons at least. I've had the fabric in my 'apron' stash for ages and the top is an old shirt that I finally decided just couldn't be taken in enough to fit, so I cut it up to make the top of this apron! Cutting into a perfectly good shirt was one of the most anxiety-inducing activities I've done in a while. Probably a good non-attachment exercise or something. So, used the front for the top, bought some piping to line the belt area and pocket, et voila. An apron :) I really like the way it turned out.
I've got a few other sewing projects to post. Some I don't like the way they turned out, but they'll go up all the same. And I'm working on a complicated jacket pattern made more complicated by my stupid use of an uneven plaid to make it. Really dumb move.