Well, I'm posting Part I because I am SO CLOSE to being done with the entire outfit! I can almost taste the end :P It has taken me ages (I suppose it is all relative, actual construction time hasn't been very much) because everything is just SO SMALL. And now I'm accessorizing the actual outfit with all these itty bitty flowers made out of ribbon, like what you buy at craft stores....except I am making them all by HAND. Excruciatingly tedious.
Anyway, enough about the end costume, this is a post for the foundation of the costume.
Okay, so the story is that I wanted to make this as authentically victorian as possible. Which means that I don't get to use any patterns that I have :P
The chemise is just a basic chemise, the top has a trim on it. I made the back elastic to make it easier to get on and off, but it doesn't really work that well when you use a trim like that. It sort of bunches in the back. Live and learn.
The corset is an actual victorian pattern that I got out of a historical corset pattern book that I have (I have EVERYTHING, lol). It is a corset made out of ribbons. Life size it is made out of 2 inch wide ribbon, but doll size I obviously made it smaller out of some ribbon that I've had laying around for years. Another doll difference is that it only closes in the back and with hook and eyes. The black on the sides is where I used elastic instead of ribbon to get a snugger fit.
The bustle is my best shot based on a picture that I saw of one in a Victorian fashion plate book that I have (seriously, you wouldn't believe the books I have). Looks pretty much the same. Unfortunately, that type of bustle pad doesn't seem to do much for the actual bustle on the outside skirt, but whatever. Doesn't hurt it either.
Anyway, keep an eye out in the next few days for a post of the finished project.