Awesome. I so wish there was a protest going on around me. I would so be there. I'm still so furious at the mention of China. I know that each protest makes it worse for the Tibetans, or at the very least, doesn't really help their cause but man, I get a twisted joy out of knowing that they must be so annoyed and embarrassed at not being able to get the torch through hardly any of the cities. I'll stop there, because I will get venomous if I keep talking about it.
After Paris?
San Fransisco.
Whoever thought they would be able to get through San Fransisco without incidents should be fired.
That is a picture of some protesters scaling the golden gate bridge. I can't imagine how windy it must be up there. I hope they don't get hurt. Fantastic though.
The problem I have is that none of this really matters. Sure, it embarrasses them, sure it 'brings the human rights abuses in China to light' (bad idea, Olympic Committee, btw), but it won't really change anything. China is still going to benefit from getting the Olympics. Even with the protests and lack of substantial reproach, it is just an international showing that China can get away with anything without fear of serious retribution. Seriously, Olympic Committee, what did you expect? Sure, they made promises, but what incentives do they have to keep them since they already won the Olympic bid? The repression in China has gotten worse since the second they won that stupid bid. Good job Olympic Committee. This goes on your heads too.
Seriously, it is like giving the Olympics to Nazi Germany. Great idea that was.
Screw you China.